Aamir Zaman
Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE),
New Delhi, India
Corresponding Author: aamir@aeee.in
Gaurav Agarwal
Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE),
New Delhi, India
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- The cold-chain infrastructure in India is anticipated to expand dramatically over the next few years, increasing the cooling demand and corresponding energy consumption.
- It uses cutting-edge technology to keep temperature regulation at a precise level. Assessing current technologies and encouraging efficient technology is crucial to lowering energy demand.
- The findings from the study will be helpful to government agencies involved in developing the cold-chain sector. Technology providers, researchers, and cold-chain owners will benefit by understanding the technologies present in the sector.
There is a growing need for the cold-chain sector due to the demand for fresh and frozen products. With the increase in growth of the cold chain sector, the related energy consumption will increase, and to address the issue, emphasis needs to be given to energy-efficient and clean energy technologies. By utilizing these methods, expenses can be decreased, increasing the cold-chain industry’s profitability and sustainability. The authors aim to identify the available technologies and focus on adopting efficient technologies to improve the cold chain’s efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure product quality and safety in the cold-chain sector by reviewing relevant literature, stakeholder consultation, and case studies.
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