Bharath Jairaj

Director, Energy Senior Associate, Governance, World Resource Institute

Bharath Jairaj leads WRI India’s Energy program, which seeks to inform and catalyse India’s transition to clean energy through increased use of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The program also seeks to enhance access to reliable and affordable energy such that it leads to socio-economic development in the country. Bharath has been with WRI since 2010, and has been involved with the establishment of key programs and functions in India.

He is also a Senior Associate with WRI’s Governance Centre and co-leads the global Electricity Governance Initiative (EGI) that seeks to strengthen governance of the electricity sector through increased transparency, accountability and public participation.

Bharath is also involved with WRI projects focused on social inclusion, reducing poverty, improving governance and making cities more equal and sustainable.

Prior to WRI, Bharath worked with Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG), WWF-India and Toxics Link in India. He has been part of multiple civil society efforts and public interest campaigns in India and globally to strengthen and enforce environmental laws, improve urban governance, enhance citizen participation in decisions that impact their lives, and protect the rights of consumers.

Bharath has a law degree from the National Law School of India, a Master in Public Policy from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore and a Master of Laws from the National University of Singapore.