Dr. Gautam Goswami

Scientist G/Advisor, TIFAC

Dr. Gautam Goswami is Scientist G/Advisor and the Head, Foresight and Vision Division, Technology Vision 2047 Programme, Climate Change Programme in Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), Dept of Science &Technology, Govt. of India. Earlier, he coordinated Technology Vision 2020 Agriculture demonstration projects in different parts of the country where he worked closely with Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Former Hon’ble President of India. Dr. Goswami is a trained technology foresight practioner from “School of International Future (SOIF), UK. He also participated in the exercise for preparing a document on “World 2050” by OECD conducted in Paris. Dr. Goswami gives training to private and public sector organizations on Foresight and its application in decision making process. Under his leadership, TIFAC mapped the Technology Needs for India’s INDC in 2015. Subsequently, prepared detailed Technology Needs Assessment Report for India and also Global Technology Watch Group Report for Department of Science and Technology. Dr. Goswami conducted panel discussions on technology aspects of Climate Change in COP 21, COP 22, COP 23, COP 24 and COP 27 in Paris, Morocco, Bonn and Katowice, Poland and Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt respectively. Dr. Goswami took the lead role in preparing the Policy on “Scientific Social Responsibility” in association with DST. Dr. Goswami is the editorial board member of BRICS Comprehensive Innovation Competitiveness Report (2020) published by China. He has written a chapter on “Technology Innovation and Access for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in India” in BRICS Comprehensive Innovation Competitiveness Report (2020) China – BRICS Country Reports PP 208-221 Academically, he is Ph.D. in Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science from University of Kolkata.He has written a chapter in “Clay Research” published in Australia. Before joining TIFAC. Dr. Goswami was guest lecturer in University of Kolkata prior to joining in TIFAC.