Exploring the Potential of Neighbourhood Approach to Low Carbon Development in India

Teenu J Thaikattil

Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy,
New Delhi, India
Corresponding Author: teenu@aeee.in

Snowy Christophel

Department of Environment and Climate Change, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Chennai, India

Josna Raphael

School of Architecture & Planning, Govt. Engineering College Thrissur, Thrissur, India

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Thaikattil, T. J., Christophel, S., Raphael, J. (2024). Exploring the Potential of Neighbourhood Approach to Low Carbon Development in India. In Proceedings of Energise 2023- Lifestyle, Energy Efficiency, and Climate Action, pp 261–271, Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy. https://doi.org/10.62576/ZLUJ1783


  • A top-down approach for sectors and a bottom-up approach to integrating local knowledge and indigenous measures are vital for sustainable low-carbon development.
  • Among 128 Indian cities analyzed, only 10 have comprehensive sectoral approaches for city climate action.
  • Adopt performance-based codes for local area plans, replacing conventional zoning and form-based codes for climate action.
  • Low-carbon design strategies are identified from urban design concepts, which can be used in design for achieving low-carbon development at the neighborhood scale.


India has committed to addressing climate change through its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and has set a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2070. The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) Low carbon strategies for Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) and State Action Plans on Climate Change (SAPCCs) provide a framework for addressing climate change. However, there is a lack of emphasis on climate change action in the development plans of urban local bodies. This research aims to extend the findings from government documents at the city scale that are aligned with SAPCCs in promoting low-carbon development and explore how urban design can be utilized by local governments to integrate climate action plans into local area development plans. The study analyses city climate-related documents from 128 cities in India and proposes various urban design interventions to achieve low-carbon development goals.


Low Carbon Development, Urban Design, City Climate Action Plans, Local Area Plan’, Performance-Based Code.


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